If this sheep could be laughing while sleeping, she would.
Since you left us in mid-June, we've shipped about 180 orders to 37 states, weeded fields aplenty, arranged artful bouquets at our staff Floral Fridays, and completed no less than 15 marathons on certain single days while shifting our above ground irrigation pipes to combat this year's relentless drought (seriously, my step tracker told me so).
Beyond that, we've said good-bye to seasonal staff, tinkered with our composting process to make perhaps the most wonderfully delicious organic soil amendment you ever did lay your eyes on (possibly for sale in limited quantities come spring - stay tuned), and replanted next year's digging fields with the wondrous array of colors you come to expect every year. Certain varieties even warranted audible gasps from staff that they were being included in the digging field.
And even beyond all this, in the alleged off-season, we've already leaf mulched our cut-flower beds, planted hundreds of spring bulbs, watched our prairie strip fill out in its first year, rescued and fine-tuned a relic of a tumbler to make aforementioned compost, dug a thirty-inch deep and even wider hole to access a leaking intake pipe, fixed and adjusted various other irrigation systems, installed auxillary watering systems for our compost to improve efficiency and accelerate breakdown and ate A LOT of cherry pie. |